Community Forum Rul...
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[Solved] Community Forum Rules

1 Posts
1 Users
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Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1
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Welcome to the A2B Car Move Community Forums! Our forums are designed to foster collaboration, support, and knowledge sharing among transport professionals. To ensure a constructive and positive environment for all members, we ask that you adhere to the following guidelines. By participating in these forums, you agree to these rules, and failure to comply may result in suspension or termination of your forum privileges.


  1. No Spam / Advertising

    • Direct advertising, spam, unsolicited promotions, and self-promotion outside the context of discussions are prohibited. Automated messages and external links, except for links to A2B Car Move directory listings as specified below, will be removed.
  2. Relevant Posting

    • Ensure your messages are posted in the appropriate sub-forum. Incorrectly placed messages will be moved to the correct sub-forum by our moderators to maintain organisational integrity.
  3. Respect Others

    • Respect is paramount. Abusive, inflammatory, or derogatory commentary is strictly forbidden. We encourage respectful and constructive discussions. Violators will receive two warnings before being banned from the forums.
  4. No Harassment or Threatening Behavior

    • Harassment, threats, or any form of intimidating behaviour towards other users will not be tolerated and will result in immediate removal from the forums.
  5. Appropriate Content

    • Keep content clean and appropriate for all ages. Profanity, pornography, or any other adult content is strictly prohibited and will be deleted.
  6. Image and Signature Size Limits

    • To ensure efficient bandwidth use, all images and signatures must be no larger than 500 x 500 pixels. Oversized content will be adjusted or removed by our moderation team.
  7. Legality and Copyright

    • Posting copyrighted material, engaging in illegal activities, or sharing pirated content is not allowed. Such posts will be promptly deleted, with repeat offences leading to further action.
  8. Privacy and Personal Information

    • Privacy must be respected at all times. Do not share anyone's personal information without their explicit consent, including private communications and sensitive data.
  9. No Trolling or Flame Wars

    • Engage in discussions positively. Trolling, baiting, or initiating conflicts will lead to moderation intervention.
  10. Directory Listing Links

    • Transport partners are permitted to include a link to their own A2B Car Move directory listing in their forum signature. Additionally, forum members may recommend another transport partner by linking to that partner's A2B Car Move directory listing within their posts. No other contact details or external links are allowed.
  11. Report Rule Violations

    • Help us maintain a respectful community by reporting any rule violations to the moderators. Do not attempt to moderate discussions or respond to violations yourself.
  12. Moderator Decisions are Final

    • Our moderators strive to keep discussions on track and respectful. Please respect their decisions regarding content moderation and member bans. If you have concerns, contact them directly.


By joining the A2B Car Move Community Forums, you agree to follow these guidelines. Together, we can create a supportive, informative, and welcoming space for everyone in the transport community.
